Put Away Your Phone to Prepare for Your Future


Some experts recommend only two hours on your phone per day.

Oscar Nord (Unsplash)

Some experts recommend only two hours on your phone per day.

Hannah Martin-Edmonson, staff

Imagine it’s the 1970s, you put on your bell bottoms and your favorite neon orange shirt. You and your friends meet up at the neighborhood park and then walk over to the disco party going on just down the street. None of you have your face glued to your phone, that is because phones haven’t come out yet. Life was so much simpler before phones.

Many times I’ll be in class and my teacher has to repeatedly tell students to put their phones away. It’s disappointing to think that we can’t put down our phones to finish an assignment or listen to our teachers.

College student Brooklin Romero’s screen time.
(Brooklin Romero)

Many of us have grown attached to the inanimate object, but why does it serve such importance to us?

Jane E. Brody writes in an article for The New York Times that we are obsessed with our phones, leading to unhealthy habits. Brody points out that if we don’t get detached from our phones, we are putting ourselves and the generations coming up at risk. If we keep setting the example that our lives rely on our phones, how will we form authentic relationships? Brody explains, I fear we are turning into digital robots. Will future generations know how to converse with one another face to face? Will they notice the birds, trees, sunrise, and the people with whom they share the planet?” 

I know many of us got introduced to our phones at a young age as a way to keep in contact with Mom and Dad while you were out at school or a friend’s house. I believe that having a phone to stay in touch with your parents is extremely important, but I know every time we pick up our phones we aren’t running to text Mom and Dad. There is a fine line between having it to stay safe and having it because you can’t let go of it.

Medvisits’ website helps to point people in the right direction to get more help!

In no way am I saying that I’m completely guiltless. I, too, have an attachment to my phone. I’d be lying if my mother hasn’t told me to put down my phone at the dinner table, or if I said that I always complete all of my homework assignments without having to hide my phone so I wouldn’t use it. In some way, I’m writing this article so I can get myself off of my phone.

Though it may seem impossible, there are ways to fix an unhealthy habit. Start by setting timers on your phone for how long you don’t want to be on it, use the new focus feature on Apple phones, and put your phone away when doing homework and hanging out with friends or family.

It’s time to fix this crisis we are facing — your life is not on your phone. How will you achieve the goals you want to on your phone? How will you go out and meet new people? How will you create good long-lasting memories? 

Start the change – put your phone down and start a conversation with the people around you.