Every morning I need a jacket so I don’t freeze while going outside, even for five minutes. The hassle of having to come home with chills and lots of layers because of the snow is never enjoyable, but it’s even worse when I have to walk home in the freezing, cold snow while carrying my heavy backpack, ruining my shoes every time I step foot outside. I will always prefer summer and spring over the cold, icky, icy snow and the negative degree weather that is neither safe nor healthy for anyone.
Most people begin to complain in the spring about the upcoming heat, but what people don’t realize is how many health benefits the spring and summer season really have. In the spring, the days begin to get longer and the sun is out for a longer period of time, which means everyone gets more vitamin D. The benefits of vitamin D are important as they help maintain our gut and bone health throughout the day without having to take excessive vitamins or pills.
During the spring and summer, most people are more motivated to exercise and do more outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, tree climbing, running, and even playing sports such as baseball, football, soccer or tennis. But even if you aren’t a big fan of working out, there are many activities you can do in the warm weather such as having a picnic with family or friends, camping, berry picking, and even something as simple as blowing bubbles — the activities are endless in the summer and spring.
In addition to the health benefits, there are also benefits to the warmer weather in terms of completing simple daily tasks. For example, cleaning your car in the winter can be a huge hassle with the large amount of snow and ice on the windshield, and having to warm up the car just adds to the stress.

As enjoyable as summer and spring can be, I get that winter still has some benefits regarding health, such as allergy improvement because there is zero pollen in the air. And in the winter your body produces more white blood cells, which results in stronger defense against any sort of infection or illness. Cold air can actually boost brain activity and can help improve focus.
But despite the winter benefits, if you enjoy the sun and gardening, summer and spring are the perfect times for that. As soon as the snow stops and the sun is out longer, I like to get out and plant some seeds to begin a new garden. Growing fresh vegetables can save a lot of money, and it’s healthier than buying a vegetable from the store with all the chemicals and extra additives that make vegetables look more colorful. Not only does this help everyone save money, but it also helps the environment by preventing the spread of carbon emissions from the transportation of food.
I can’t wait to finally put my boots and jackets away and bring out my shorts and sandals to enjoy the long, warm spring and summer days. But, it’s March in Colorado, so I might have to wait awhile.