Wordle Works Wonders

“I think games like Wordle are good ways of keeping your brains fresh - sort’ve like exercise for your brain,” math teacher Nick Cummings said.

Hannah Martin-Edmonson

“I think games like Wordle are good ways of keeping your brains fresh – sort’ve like exercise for your brain,” math teacher Nick Cummings said.

Hannah Martin-Edmonson, Staff

Wordle, a free online word puzzle by The New York Times, has become a popular daily activity in recent months. Millions of people are suddenly focusing on their five-letter word vocabulary and becoming more conscious of principles such as letter frequency and letter location as they plan the best initial words and speedier solutions. Wordle is intriguing for these people.

Josh Wardle, a software programmer, created Wordle as a surprise for his partner who enjoys word games. It then spread to his family before being publicly released. It wasn’t long before it became so successful that it was bought for seven figures by the New York Times.

Wordle is not only a fun game, but it helps to improve your brain and provides protection to avoid future diseases, according to South Mountain Memory Care, “Doing a puzzle reinforces connections between brain cells, improves mental speed, and is an especially effective way to improve short-term memory.” 

If you are not addicted to this game yet, give it a go, and you will be shocked at how addicted you become. 

According to Lee Chambers, a British psychologist, Wordle activates both the language and logic portions of our brain. Puzzles appeal to our minds because they present a challenge or a level of difficulty to overcome. The dopamine rush we get when we beat or win a game is euphoric, no matter how frustrating the game is. Most of our enjoyment activities, as well as all of our addictions, are motivated by a lack of dopamine. The dopamine rush you get from finishing Wordle makes you happy, since dopamine is what makes you happy.

What makes the Wordle so addictive to you?

“I think it makes you think outside the box a little bit so you are forced to think about things a little bit differently,” Jennifer Hastert, DRHS principal’s secretary, said.

 “That you could only do it once a day, like I think only being able to do it once a day makes you want to do it every day,” Jennifer Hastert, principal’s secretary at Dakota Ridge said.

As I was leaving her office, Hastert made sure to add the small — but very important — detail that she got the Worlde last night in four tries, when her husband didn’t get it at all.

Doing the Wordle every day also comes with a side of competitiveness.

“I’m competitive, and so I treat it like a personal challenge to see if I can do it every day – and at this point I still haven’t missed it,”  Nick Cummings, DRHS math teacher said.

There’s a pattern that I’ve noticed. Every time I ask someone about the Worlde, they seem to have an urge to include how many they’ve gotten right.

Not only are teachers obsessing over this online game, students love it too.

“I think it’s a fun way to challenge my brain while having fun. I like doing it with other people, and it’s a good conversation starter,” Brenna MacGregor, DHRS junior, said.

Altogether, playing the Wordle is worth your while, give it a shot — you won’t be disappointed! 

Click this link to play!!