Keeping Up with Covid Mandates in the United States


Brandon Mowinkel, Unsplash

As travel opens and state Covid mandates shift, it’s necessary to know the guidelines wherever the destination is.

Avery Purcell, Staff Writer

Change is occurring in states as Covid levels drop and mandates begin to lift or alter. As spring break approaches and people just want to see the light at the end of the Covid tunnel, it will be important to understand what is expected of them in each state they visit. 

Some states, including Alaska, never had a mask mandate in the first place, although mostly encouraged them. These states with no mask mandates usually restrict individual cities or counties based on Covid infection levels, including Palm Beach, Florida. The rules are set in the hands of local governments, allowing a more flexible approach to Covid socialization. 

The rest of the U.S. that requires masks often set rules by age, from two and older in Illinois, to ten and older in Colorado. Social distancing and indoor rather than outdoor mask requirements vary by each state, along with the dates planned for mandates to be lifted or reassessed. 

According to AARP, in Colorado, the specific requirement includes wearing masks in indoor public spaces, while Massachusetts calls for masks in any public place whether indoor or outdoor. 

Avery Purcell, Canva

The change in mandates and requirements are still completely subjective, with the large state of Texas recently lifting restrictions while east coast Delaware has tightened to stricter guidelines as of December 3, 2020. 

It’s vital to know what the rules are in any state before visiting, even more so with the mandates always subject to fluctuation. With the average Covid cases dropped to around 59,000 per week in America, states are starting to inch their way back to normalcy. Before traveling to any state, check the guidelines that must be followed to ensure safety.