Jeffco’s New Policy For Colorado’s Unpredictable Weather
March 14, 2019
With spring approaching fast, Colorado’s winter weather is still in full effect, and commotion prior to yesterday’s storm sparked talk of a new policy for Jefferson County Public Schools. Last week, Jeffco Superintendent Dr. Glass announced to the families and staff of Jefferson County that Jeffco will now be implementing a 2-hour late start policy for “extreme circumstances of inclement weather.”
This new policy means an altered navy and cardinal schedule for students here at Dakota Ridge. Navy days would start at 9:30 a.m. and will include a closed campus lunch. Cardinal days would start at 10:15 a.m. and will also include a closed campus lunch but students will not attend seminar. Other changes are things such as no morning classes at Warren Tech, no morning practice for any sport, and no breakfast will be served.
Jefferson County’s old policy never involved a late start for any school. Jeffco only ever made the decision of whether or not school should be canceled. Now with the new late start policy, the district has a bit more flexibility during bad weather.
When deciding whether or not to close schools, Jeffco says “the safety of students and staff is the number one consideration. Decision-makers and district staff work through the night and early morning to determine the best course of action and to clear the roads and our school sites.” If Jeffco ever chooses to use this new late start policy, families will be informed by 5:30 a.m.
One issue that could come up when using the late start is that it might be inconvenient for some students and their families to get to school at 9:30 or 10:15 because ride options may be limited. Although, this issue does not affect those who ride the bus, because they too are on a two hour delay. This is still something that Jeffco will need to consider when choosing a late start.