I walked into the women’s restroom, and everyone was screaming. I walked out, and then I walked into the men’s restroom, and everyone was yelling. I’ve gotten used to people harassing me nearly every day. People gossiping about what’s in my pants… it’s just how gender-driven society is.
I am non-binary, meaning in this case, that I’m both a man and a woman. In most places, the non-binary gender concept is seen as novel, and some don’t accept it as reality. With gendered restrooms being commonplace, it can be hard to understand that this system of classification falls apart when a gender-neutral component is introduced. Where does a non-binary person use the restroom? Where do they change? What sports do they play?
This division can be detrimental to the mental health of a non-binary person, simply due to the fact that society is not designed for everyone. Think about that: a society created by humans is not designed for every human.

As a non-binary person, I’ve seen some solutions, and some pretty robust ones at that. Dedicated gender neutral restrooms in Colorado are on the rise. In addition to gender-neutral restrooms, single-accessible restrooms are also becoming more commonplace, and in this day and age, I think it’s time that the uncomfortability around non-gendered restrooms is dropped. The idea is outdated and ineffective.
Now, what would be the benefit of having gender neutral restrooms if they only benefit non-binary people? First off, gender neutral restrooms wouldn’t. People who need accessible restrooms would be able to access them. People who are not transgender or non-binary can also take advantage of the individual bathrooms. Looking further ahead, it would be possible to create a single restroom space. Specifically for people who are trans or gender-nonconforming, gender neutral and single stalls help create a safe space for people to use the restroom like everyone else… without fear of being harassed, kicked out, or attacked.
It’s clear that some people don’t agree with this. They believe that transgender and non-binary people are confused, or that they don’t exist, and that’s okay. It can be uncomfortable to consider that you may share a space with someone who has different parts than you. Some people consider there to be a link between sex (biology) and gender (role). You may be feeling uncomfortable when reading this just now; it can be hard to know what to do when directly confronted with this.
Sex can change with surgeries and hormone replacement therapy. Gender can change to whatever it means to you. The current system falls apart when this is known and understood. It’s time for a change. It’s time for everyone to be who they are, without systematic classification. It’s time for gender neutral restrooms.