“Invincible,” an animated masterpiece, captivates viewers into the life of a 17-year-old superhero named Mark Grayson, aka Invincible. Mark’s superhero father Nolan Grayson, aka Omni-Man, teaches Invincible about his new powers as well as his heritage as a Viltrumite, an alien race of superhumans with superhuman abilities of strength, speed, flight, and more. As the show progresses, it becomes clear that there is a lot about Nolan and the Viltramites that Mark doesn’t know about.
The large quantity of blood, gore, strong language, and intense violence in this show has earned it a TV-MA rating, and it is marketed for audiences 18 and older. However, this rating is given to the show to help enhance its storytelling, give the writers more freedom, and overall make the show as good as possible.
One of the show’s greatest strengths is its surplus of well-written, complex, multidimensional, and well-developed characters included in the series such as Omni-Man, Mark Grayson (Invincible), Adam Eve, Rex Splode, Cecil Stedman, the Mauler twins, Allen the Alien, and several more who improve the story and keep the show entertaining throughout its 12, 45-55 minute episodes. The characters substantially grow and evolve throughout the show, especially Mark as he begins his intricate path to becoming a superhero.
The show’s large cast of recognizable stars include the likes of Steven Yeun, J.K. Simmons, Mark Hamill, Seth Rogen, and many more. This impressive lineup of voice actors has helped create original, likable characters that feel real and alive. This feat is not easy to pull off and has greatly impacted the show’s success and kept it captivating.
As of November 3, Invincible has been renewed for a second season on Amazon Prime. The animated series has seen immense praise among fans and critics alike, with a Rotten Tomato score of 99% and an audience score of 88%. Season 2 has similarly seen a very positive reception among fans. The series remains extremely accurate to the comic book series that inspired it.
This exceptional and entertaining show scores 9/10 because it is interesting throughout, with visible character development, plot twists that keep the viewers engaged, impressive animation, a captivating art style, and exceptional voice acting. The first 4 episodes of Invincible season 2 are released as of now, with the second half of the season set to release in Q1, 2024.