DRHS held its annual assembly to honor and thank U.S. veterans on November 10, 2023. This year the assembly was a little different, as it is now run by teachers Amy Ziegler and Jason Casanova who organized the patriotic and important experience.
The organizers hoped that students would walk out of the assembly with knowledge and respect for those who have served and are still serving for this country.
Veterans Day is especially meaningful to those who have had family members in the military and have experienced absences and longing to see their loved ones after a deployment.

“I don’t think people understand the sacrifice veterans make, and its important that we honor them because we wouldn’t be able to enjoy all of our freedoms and the blessings we have without them,” physical education Amy Ziegler said.
During the assembly, senior volunteers held candles as an act of tribute and appreciation for veterans.
“The whole point is to have an honorary time of remembrance for each veteran that is part of a family from students at our school,” senior Sara Pfitzer said.

The assembly was considered a success and even included refreshments for participating veterans afterwards, which offered a chance for them to socialize with each other.
“I thought the assembly was great,” veteran Steve Pike said. “I appreciated the reading of the names of those that have passed away.”