Eagles Swipe The League Title in Jeffco 4A Conference
May 10, 2023
For the first time in 12 years the Dakota Ridge Women’s soccer team won the Jeffco 4A league title. The women’s team has an overall record of 13-1 and is ranked 2nd in Colorado 4A, and 8th in all of Colorado. The team’s goal for the remainder of the season is to make it all the way to the state finals, which would also mark the first time in 12 years that they would make it.
“I am so excited at the fact that we are able to achieve being Conference champions. This team came out with passion and a goal to be the best team we can be, and the title is a testimony to that,” senior Hannah Arnold said.
On May 1st the Eagles faced the D’Evelyn Jaguars to finalize their place in the Jeffco 4A rankings to secure the league title, winning 5-0. However, the Eagles were not rewarded the plaque until the next game against Evergreen on May 4th where they won with a score of 3-2, because even if they were to lose, the rankings would have stayed the same.
“I feel really happy about winning the league. Of course I am proud to be a part of the team who got our school a title for the first time in a while, but I am aware, now that we have playoffs…I know there is more work to be done! I am excited to participate in the team as we progress further in the playoffs,” freshman Kaylie Sheehan said.
At the beginning of the game the Eagles went down 2-0 within the first 22 minutes of the game. By the end of the half the Eagles were down by 1 goal and knew that their work ethic and attitudes had to change before going into the second half. Sophomore Ava Arnold was able to initiate the positive energy and work ethic by scoring the first goal at the end of the first half. She later scored another one in the beginning of the second half off of a penalty kick to tie the game up 2-2.
The third and final goal of the game was scored by senior Bailey Pignatore with 28 minutes left in the game. All the Eagles had to do was hold their lead for the remainder of the game. The Eagles switched to a defensive game after their 3rd goal to stop the Cougars from tying the game up.
“I feel amazing about winning League Champs. Coming back from an injury last year to go far this year with everyone on the team meant a lot,” junior Jordan Whiteaker said.
The same night the Eagles also celebrated their five seniors by holding a ceremony before the game. Each senior started at their designated sign decorated by the team, and then walked down the row with their parents. They were then given flowers and stopped at the end to take a picture.
“The team is very close with one another. It truly feels like a family of some sort,” sophomore Tatum Flynn said.
Later that night, after the Eagles fought back against a tough Evergreen team, they were awarded the league title and received a plaque for their success together. They were also able to celebrate with some consistent supporters which included parents and the student section.
“The team is doing a great job at overcoming challenges that other teams put in our path. There have been multiple games where we came back from a 0-2 loss, or even games where we had to get past the team that played with five or more defenders. Perseverance has carried this team to the top,” Arnold said.
The Eagles’ next game is on May 10th at 5:00 p.m. and marks the start of playoffs. They matchup against Palmer Ridge, who is ranked 31st.