Annual Wish Week Is Back And Better Than Ever
“This year we’re partnering Make A Wish Foundation and the Sol Project, which is basically Make A Wish but for 18-21 year olds who are also experiencing cancer and other terminally ill diseases,” Rachel Parker, assistant principal, said.
March 10, 2023
The DRHS annual Wish Week begins March 13. This National Honors Society event is a fundraiser for the Make A Wish Foundation. NHS students work hard to fund a wish, and this year their funds are going towards Allie who is 17 and suffers from a heart condition.
Allie is not able to play sports anymore, and that was a huge part of her life. This wish (meeting her favorite football player) will bring happiness during this difficult time.
Although this fundraiser is for Allie, it is also for other children who are suffering from any medical condition and need a wish. Many doctors have said that the Make A Wish program helps with patients’ treatments and gives them hope for their recovery.
“I think it’s important to teach teenagers to donate, and to think outside themselves, and to be charitable. I think that’s such an important life skill that will carry on as you guys leave Dakota Ridge. Anytime we think outside of just ourselves, it makes us better people – it brings the energy and the charitable spirit up,” assistant principal Rachel Parker said.
Throughout Wish Week there are many different fundraisers including Modern Market on Monday and Nella’s on Friday. During lunch there will be a penny war with huge jars for anyone to put a penny in. Each grade-level class will have one jar, and whichever class has the most pennies in their jar will win and be able to choose a teacher they want to pie.
As well as those events, there will also be a scavenger hunt, which is essentially teacher trivia, during morning announcements. There will be a hint about a teacher, and then you have to find that teacher and get a signature. If you receive all the signatures by the end of the week, you will earn something free from the student store.

“Wish Week is important because it gives us as a school an opportunity to help people in need in Colorado and make a big difference in someone’s life,” Bailey Briggs, president of NHS, said.
Many students gather together to make an impact on the community at the National Honors Society. NHS is an academically motivated student organization run by English teacher James Young. Students need at least a 3.8 gpa or above to be eligible for this club.
Through NHS, students are connected with opportunities to get community service hours — 16 hours are required each semester.
One of the best reasons to join this club is that it is recognized by many colleges. One thing that is most important for your future is getting involved in your community and helping everyone out — that’s exactly what NHS prepares you for.
“I think it’s an obviously great club to join,” club member Avery Purcell said. “Not only do members make a positive difference in the community, but it builds character and responsibility for the future. It’s a small commitment compared to the issues that harm society.”
Follow this link to donate to Wish Week for Allie and other children around the world!