Giving to Others Gives Right Back to You
Flickr: Marco Verch
Giving to charity can improve mental health by an 8% increase.
December 13, 2022
Giving back this holiday season can help improve mental health, studies say.
According to Charity Navigator, “Mental health is a huge and growing challenge across North America,” Craig Kielburger, co-founder of the organization WE Charity, said. “Volunteering 200 hours a year lowers stress levels and blood pressure, and donating to charity markedly improves physical and emotional well-being.”
Colorado has a multitude of charities to donate to this holiday season, including giving to the homeless population, animal shelters, food banks, kids from other countries in need, and much more. Here’s a look at a few options.
Far Away Friends. Far Away Friends is a non-profit organization focused on giving kids in rural Uganda the resources needed to have a good education in order to end life-long cycles of poverty. Their school, Global Leaders Primary (GLP), has over 500 students who need resources such as food to combat food shortages in Uganda, afripads (reusable menstrual products) to keep girls in school, and vaccines to protect against malaria and other diseases. You can learn more about them and donate at Far Away Friends. org.
Dumb Friends League. Dumb Friends League was founded over one hundred years ago in Denver, Colorado. They are an organization that works to get animals adopted into good homes. They take in more than just dogs and cats, larger animals like horses and donkeys that have been abused or given up to the league are also available. The organization also offers veterinary services. You can adopt animals and donate on their website at Dumb Friends League.

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. Colorado Coalition for the Homeless is an organization working to get the Colorado homeless population the supplies they need to stay safe and cared for every day. The organization has a transition house and helps provide healthcare resources to those in need. You can learn more about what they do and donate using their website, Colorado Coalition.
This holiday season, give back to those in need. Not only will it help others, but it can also help your mental health, especially for teens.