2021 Summer With Covid: Ideas for a Better Colorado Summer
May 13, 2021
As Colorado starts to ease back into a sense of normalcy, some of the Colorful State’s attractions are opening up again for the summer.
Elitch Gardens is one of the most popular amusement parks in Denver and is typically open for families during the summer. However, last year they were closed due to the pandemic. This summer, Elitch’s has been formally approved by city and state officials to reopen with safety precautions. For season pass holders, the park is open on April 24. For the general public, it is open on May 1. Reservations will be required prior to your visit.
The Littleton Museum is a living-history farm representing the 1860s through 1890s with a museum showcasing artifacts from those time periods. They typically host multiple events during the year and will have the chance to do that once again this year. Their temporary exhibit “The Way We Played” will remain on display into the summer.

Starting in 2018, The Denver BBQ Festival was typically scheduled for Father’s Day Weekend (June 19-21) at the Empower Field at Mile High. It was disappointing for most when this event was cancelled last year because of the pandemic. This summer, however, the event will be open for all hungry dads once again. Entry is free, and BBQ, drinks, and more will be available for purchase at the event. As of now, they still plan to host this event in person this year.
The Manitou Cliff Dwellings are considered a rare historical treasure in Colorado. Authentic Anasazi cliff dwellings that are over 800 years old can be explored room by room using a self-guided tour. They overlook Manitou Springs, Colorado, at the foot of Pikes Peak. With adjusted hours to support COVID safety restrictions, you can take the time to explore.
This summer will also deliver opportunities for virtual experiences.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is continuing to offer connections with their community with several different events that have been held throughout the year. They have made it their mission to create connections between their wildlife and the community.
Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center provides the opportunity to explore their online programs that may be of interest. They will have programs for history, geology, and more about the park itself.
Because of vaccination and Colorado adaptations to the pandemic, this summer has the chance of looking very different from last year.